Saturday, August 28, 2021

Enhancing students` perseverance


I had the opportunity to hold a conference with Bianca Duceppe. She has been working with Lance King, who had designed and developed approaches to learning (ATL). It was an outstanding experience because I was learning some strategies to apply with my students and now I want to share them with all of you.

The meeting was related to ATL skills but focused on perseverance. 

Why did she teach us about perseverance? 

Because we live in a world where procrastination is evident in our lives. We start avoiding our responsibilities because we are used to thinking about the future.

This conference taught me the value of doing tasks at a specific time. We need to foster our students to optimize time management and organization to get to goals.

Always, we focus on telling our students some routines for doing better but some students don't acknowledge the importance of ATL skills in their lives unless teachers have told them the benefits of applying approaches to learning in different contexts. But we have to teach our pupils with our example. When they follow us in some dynamics we could guide this process in which they can express their opinions and carry out the necessary adjustments.


How to surpass procrastination?

First off, you should create a chart to focus on the things you need to change to get to your goals.

Write a list of all things distracting you to get your goals.

Write your commitments to reach your target.

Also, you might create a schedule to write a period of time to finish each task. This is a wonderful strategy for planning your learning experiences at a specific time.

When we are aware of the importance of taking action, is crucial teamwork uses skills like collaboration to finish and decide how much time will be needed to complete a project, as well as, all members are essential with their arguments or ideas.

How are students taking these relevant actions?

  • Foster learning skills in our lesson plans in which they have an relevant role in each learning experience.

  • Activating a process of a relationship of all members of the community.

  • Involving students in exploring knowledge, concepts, and skills.

  • Showing interest in their goals, experience, and learning from their failures.

  • Focus on time management and disciplined thinking.



  1. Way to go! Have you seen the resources PBS has for this topic?

  2. It`s an outstanding resource. I´m going to include some of them in my classes. I really appreciate your interest for this topic.
